Author Topic: What are the right ergonomic office chairs?  (Read 76 times)


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What are the right ergonomic office chairs?
« on: May 03, 2018, 06:19:56 am »
It is a common problem to find the right ergonomic chair especially for people who want to purchase new equipment to make workstations safer and healthier places for their employees. There are number of ergonomic chairs available but it is not a wise to purchase one just because it is labelled as ergonomic.

Ergonomic” chairs are designed to suit a range of people; however, there is no guarantee that they will suit any one person in particular. For instance, a chair could be too high and the arm rests too far apart for a short, slim person. In addition, chairs may not suit every task or arrangement at the workstation. A chair becomes ergonomic only when it specifically suits a worker's size , his or her particular workstation, and the tasks that must be performed there. It is possible to find the right chair although it is not always easy.

Some features are mandatory for a good chair regardless of how you intend to use it:

Adjustability – The seat height of these chairs is adjustable.
Backrest – The backrest is adjustable both vertically and in the frontward and backward direction and has a firm lumbar support.
Seat depth - Choose the seats that suit the tallest and the shortest users.
Stability - Check for the stability of the chair. It is recommended to choose a five-point base.

To know more you can visit:

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